Category Archives: Medical Treatment

heartbeat - heart shaped icon article by Dr John Naranja MD, JD

Ask Dr John, Esq – Heart Health

Through extensive research, the medical community has identified risk factors that you should understand to increase your chances of a heart-healthy life. Risk factors can be classified into those that cannot be changed; risk factors that can be treated or modified; and risk factors that can contribute but whose overall impact has not yet been […]

epidural steroid injection iillustration

Ask Dr John Esq. – What Are Epidural Steroid Injections?

Epidural steroid injections are a common treatment for low back and neck pain that radiates into the leg(s) or arm(s) respectively. This article will discuss the anatomy involved in an epidural injection, what an epidural steroid injection is, why it is administered, results, and possible complications. In a previous article, we discussed the coverings overlying […]

spinal cord injuries

Ask Dr John, Esq – Spinal Cord Injury and Types of Paralysis

Spinal cord injuries occur in the United States at a rate of approximately 12,000 injuries each year. The largest proportion (36.5 percent) are a result of car accidents. The next most common causes occur as a result of falls, followed by acts of violence (primarily gunshot wounds), and sporting accidents. Injuries to the spinal cord […]

handgun, rifle, bullets cause injuries - ask dr. john

Ask Dr. John, Esq – Ballistics in Gunshot Wound Injuries

Injuries from firearms represent a serious public health issue. And although gunshot wound fatalities in the United States number at just under 40,000, more people suffer from nonfatal gunshot injuries than die. Survival after being injured by a fired projectile is related to a number of factors. The purpose of this article is to discuss […]

people jumping on trampolie with dog - article by Dr. John Naranja MD, JD.

Ask Dr John, Esq – Five Common Trampoline Injuries

Jumping on a trampoline has increased in popularity. Trampolines are available for jumping both commercially at trampoline parks and can be purchased for home use in our own backyards. With the rise in trampoline use, injuries have also escalated in number. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, over 100,000 emergency room visits per […]

photo of hematoma on arm - article by Dr. John Naranja, MD, JD

Ask Dr. John, Esq – Head Trauma – What is the Difference Between a Subdural and Epidural Hematoma?

In order to identify the difference between a subdural and epidural hematoma that may occur after a head trauma, it is important to discuss the anatomy of the brain and its surrounding structures. First, understand that a hematoma is a collection of blood, usually as a result of bleeding from injured blood vessels. We most […]

mechanisms of head injury and concusion

Ask Dr. John, Esq – How are Concussions Assessed?

Concussions represent an injury to the brain caused by trauma. Another term for a concussion is a traumatic brain injury. The trauma can come from a direct blow to the head or sudden acceleration and deceleration of the brain inside the skull. The latter is also called a coup-contrecoup injury. Coup refers to the site […]

dogs of all sizes and shapes, article by dr. john naranja, md, jd

Ask Dr John, Esq – Dog Bite Infections

Currently, American homes have adopted over 90 million dogs into their families. Without a doubt, these canines provide enjoyment and companionship to their owners. Notwithstanding the camaraderie and comfort dogs afford, dog bites are an event that can occur for various reasons. For example, when dogs feel nervous, threatened, are protective, or when they don’t […]

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