Rebecca Brackett

Rebecca Brackett, Marketing Director

50 Congress St. STE 420
Boston, MA
Phone: 617-523-7771

Marketing Director


  • B.S.B.A. in Marketing from Stonehill College


Throughout her life, Rebecca knew she wanted to help others and do something impactful for her community. She grew up being involved in different organizations and just knew one of her more significant purposes in life was to help people. She wasn’t sure how, but she knew she would end up on a path fulfilling that purpose.

At the end of high school, she found her interest in studying Marketing and spent her college career trying to figure out how to use her professional passion to help others.

Post-graduation with her B.S.B.A. in Marketing from Stonehill College in Easton, MA, she spent time figuring out her next step. She worked doing marketing within the healthcare and bridal fashion industries, where she was able to gain great knowledge and experience. She was ready to move on to her next journey of fulfilling her purpose and found Diller Law.

Rebecca saw how the Diller Law firm truly connected and engaged with the community and, most of all, helped clients. This opened her eyes to realizing that the law field was one where she would have the opportunity to help people who are struggling get the justice they deserve.

Now working for Diller Law, Rebecca has the opportunity to use her Marketing skills with a company that helps better people’s lives within the community. That is what she always wanted to do.