Pedestrian Accident (Hit and Run Accident) Case Summary
Settlement obtained on behalf of a female pedestrian struck by a motor vehicle that fled the scene immediately upon impact. The pedestrian, who had no auto insurance of her own, failed to secure the hit and run vehicle’s plate information, however, the police report identified a vehicle suspected as the vehicle involved in the accident. The defendant vehicle owner denied involvement in the accident and his insurer denied the claim. We tracked down the “911” tapes in which two separate witnesses identified the same plate number and our investigation prompted the District Attorney’s to reopen its investigation and prosecute the defendant for fleeing the scene of an accident causing serious injury. As a result of our investigation, the defendant’s insurer rescinded its denial and offered to compensate fairly our client who suffered a left leg bone contusion and a partial intersubstance tear necessitating physical therapy, orthopedic follow ups and substantial lost income.